Max Ptk

Max Ptk

Kiev, UA

Decorative figure PYRAMID by Max Ptk
Decorative figure PYRAMID by Max Ptk
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Decorative figure PYRAMID

This element of interior decoration attracts the eye with its multifaceted structure. Refractions of lights gives to figure special magnetism. Gives it some mystical properties.

Materials: glass.

h: 9cm w: 9cm

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Status: Built
Location: Kiev, UA
My Role: Designer

Decorative figure PYRAMID by Max Ptk
Decorative figure PYRAMID by Max Ptk
Decorative figure PYRAMID by Max Ptk
Decorative figure PYRAMID by Max Ptk
Decorative figure PYRAMID by Max Ptk
Decorative figure PYRAMID by Max Ptk
Decorative figure PYRAMID by Max Ptk
Decorative figure PYRAMID by Max Ptk
Decorative figure PYRAMID by Max Ptk
Decorative figure PYRAMID by Max Ptk
Decorative figure PYRAMID by Max Ptk
Decorative figure PYRAMID by Max Ptk