Mario De Fina

Mario De Fina

Buenos Aires, AR



Single-family project that belongs to a group of houses from the same owner over Barrycknoll street. The studio’s client, Corsini Stark Architects, ordered the design of the house according to the program and the urban normatives; there was a previous design done by another studio which was discarded. After the SD set was approved by the Cityhall, the construction documentation phase began for all the houses for their upcoming construction. The wall sections and the construction details were of vital importance for the coordination with other consultants as well as with structural engineering, that way could achieve the final modifications of the design. Barrycknoll 3865 Drive is a house with a wood frame constructive system (TYPE-VB). It has 3 stories with 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a two-stalls garage and a surface area of 2,489 SF.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Los Angeles, CA, US
My Role: Designer and Architect drafter