Marilyn Stephanou

Marilyn Stephanou

Ames, IA, US


WTE Housing

Trash takes many forms – recyclables, compostables, hazardous, etc., all of which are required to be sorted and transported, with infrastructure and humans playing a direct role in the process. As New York City aims to send zero trash to landfills by 2030, while still exporting some 24,000 tons of discarded material every day, waste reduction poses to be an immense challenge for the city. The framework of this architecture is waste reduction. This includes the breakdown of four typologies - landfills, compost gardens, waste to energy practices, and zero waste initiatives -  all of have a direct effect on the infrastructure and its relationship to New York City. At the core are also the inhabitants and the environment. Both of which are interconnected and designing for one means designing for both simultaneously. This building aims to provide a safe, clean, and sustainable environment for all people to live and enjoy; an oasis away from the unhealthy sediments accumulated on the streets of New York City. 

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Status: School Project
Location: Hell’s Kitchen, New York, NY, USA
Additional Credits: Professors: Andrew Gleesen
Team: Alyanna Subyano