Mansoor Eqrar

Mansoor Eqrar

Toronto, ON, CA


Hub Building

Prior to starting the design, I spent a month to look at issues such as site location, craftsmanship, size, topography, zoning, traffic conditions, climate and cultural pattern. That site analysis allowed me to understand the existing opportunities, or problems in a site, and make informed decisions on how to respond to the site. Kandahar is a city known by insurgents and the most insecure city in Afghanistan, and despite contention from family, I pursued the project from initial design to completion. My passion dictated this pursuit, as my commitment to work and design drives me, and I consider the successful completion of this project to be one of my greatest accomplishments. 

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Status: Built
Location: Kandahar, AF
My Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Afghan Wireless Telecommunication Company ( AWCC )