Mack Cyran

Mack Cyran

Carteret, NJ, US


Xin Wu Village Design Proposal: Satellite Technical College

This project was the result of my semester in the Zhejiang province of China. My proposal for the small village of Xin Wu (near the city of Lishui in Zhejiang) was a satellite technical college of the existing Lishui Vocational College. In order for the villagers to eventually be self-sustaining (fixing their own electrical, renovating their own buildings, etc) I imposed four different academic programs each with their dedicated building, a school of construction, electrical engineering, forestry science, and tourism. My intention for the designs were to offer modern conventions while maintaining a traditional feeling, of which is very prominent in the village (which dates back to hundreds of years ago). One of the most important features of the project is that I work with/expand the existing structures and enhance the landscape surrounding it. 

The article in my portfolio has more information, but I will provide a couple of images as most of them exceed the file size limit. 

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Status: School Project
Location: Lishui, CN
Additional Credits: Professor Ralph Steenblik