Luke Murphy

Luke Murphy

London, GB

Property Vacancy Research
Property Vacancy Research
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3rd Year Semester 1 - Renewable Resource Hub

Renewable Resource Hub

A scheme designed to bring life and a smaller carbon footprint to a market street in east London. The Columbia Road Flower Market is a vibrant and exciting place to be but when the market is not on, the street and surrounding area is almost lifeless.

My proposal came as a result of extensive research into the ownership of surrounding properties and the need for positive change in the area. I designed a roof scape which used the vacant properties as access and workshop spaces. The roof tops were then used as allotment spaces for the market workers and additional market space.

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Status: School Project
Location: London, GB

Project Zoning
Project Zoning
Section Axonometric
Section Axonometric
Section Perspective Render
Section Perspective Render