Liang-Ting Wang

Liang-Ting Wang

New York, NY, US



A new climate observatory and climate forum next to the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History. 

In traditional museum spaces, plants and animal specimens are typically enclosed side by side in dioramas. This suggests a nature-culture divide where artifacts are arranged in favor of human perspectives. How can a cultural institution promote integration over segregation? How can we create systems over objects?

My design thus focuses on the diagonal cutting of museum spaces. Slicing through rectilinear spaces, CLIMATORIUM is a series of “ecotones” where nature and humans meet, integrating into the designed environment. CLIMATORIUM focuses on establishing a series of experiential learning that takes place in transition areas. The diagonal vocabulary creates experiences that are not confined to interior spaces. 

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Status: School Project
Additional Credits: Course: Advanced Architectural Design II. Fall 2022. Professor Joeb Moore.
Type: Individual Project. 7.5 Weeks.

Site Analysis
Site Analysis
Massing Model
Massing Model
Ground Floor
Ground Floor
Second Floor
Second Floor
Third Floor
Third Floor
Massing Model