The hinterlands of Los Ageless are a strange mix of suburban outposts and productive agricultural landscapes, both struggling with an unsustainable desire for growth and for water. Much of the water infrastructure for both territories is hidden from sight and from experience.The project proposes a new way of experiencing and stewarding water infrastructure. Taking clues from vernacular and indigenous forms of water distribution, such as the Puquios of Peru, or the Quanat - water infrastructure becomes a spatial and a shared social experience.The architecture becomes a devise for registering fluctuations: rooms poised for flooding with water from below or light from above, water levels stains - all amplify the perception of droughts or of abundance.This is a collective space - a Water Commons - where a new practices and culture can emerge which is not about extraction and agricultural productivity - but stewarding, replenishing a shared aquifer.
Status: School Project
Location: Mojave, CA, US
My Role: Thesis Student
Additional Credits: Berenika Boberska
Scrap Marshell