Yukie Takeshi

Yukie Takeshi

Los Angeles, CA, US


Juvenile Detention and Rehabilitation Center

Several months of research was focused on the history of prisons, the effect of imprisonment on people and youths, rehabilitation methods, causes of recidivism and more. The goal of the project was to explore a design that takes into consideration of experience and the effect of programming. Through personal experience and thorough research, this preliminary design of a youth detention and rehabilitation center attempts to integrate creative stimulation and physical activity in hopes of positively affecting the mind of the youth.

The presentation method was focused on telling a story through a dramatization of the spacial experience and framing the moment like a comic book. The graphics were created with a mix media method combining SketchUp modeling, Maxwell Renderings, Photoshop, Illustrator, and hand drawing.

The research was also documented in a graphical way to support the facts and highlight the important information. Most of the graphical data was created on Minjet Mind Manager, Illustrator and physical modeling.

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Status: School Project
Location: Los Angeles, CA, US