Architect and city planner specializing in managing complex urban projects from local scale to metropolis scale:
Communauté d'Agglomération Plaine Commune, Saint-Denis, FR, Project manager for the urban development of the city of La Courneuve
Association of local authorities «Plaine Commune,» located just north of the city of Paris:
Implemented public policies in urban development projects (public spaces and parks, new residential and industrial buildings, preservation of architectural heritage, environmental issues);
Provided technical proposals for the enforcement of public policies;
Managed urban studies entrusted to external service providers through public contracts (engineering consulting firms, city planning agencies, architecture firms);
Managed operational development projects;
Organized competition, analyzed projects, and advised decision-makers concerning new building and land
Enacted land use plans (Plan Local d’Urbanisme);
Accompanied the decision-makers for delivery of building authorizations.
Territoires, sites et cités, Paris, FR, intern
Urban polarity and centrality studies within the elaboration of the land development plan (SCOT, Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale) of the association of local authorities «Plaine Commune»
Basalt architecture, Margency, FR, architecture draftsman
From competitions to execution drawings
Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette, Paris, FR, MArch, Urban Design and City planning
From building scale to urban scale.
DPLG degree - Diplômé par le Gouvernement (architecture degree with honors, extra certificate for architects)
Kunstakademiet Arkitektskole, Copenhagen, DK, architecture, urbanism and landscape
Student within the Erasmus student
exchange program
Ecole nationale supérieure des Arts appliqués et Métiers d'Art Olivier de Serres, Paris, FR, Bachelors, Interior design
Advanced Technician Certifi cate (BTS) in Interior Design