Juan Manuel Prieto

Juan Manuel Prieto

La Plata, AR


Weapons of Mass Construction

In the spirit of Louis Kahn's famous lecture in which he asks a brick what it wants to be, we embarked on a journey that poses a different query to the instruments of destruction that haunt our world: "What do you want to be?"

Weapons of Mass Construction is an AI architecture set that unveils the unexpected transformations concealed within the most destructive elements of our time. Bullets, missiles, and war machines, when granted the opportunity to dream, reveal aspirations far nobler than their origins suggest.

Through AI-generated imagery, we create a world where the implements of war metamorphose into symbols of hope, shelter, and progress. Our images reveal the unexpected beauty and potential that lies dormant within these destructive machines.

This mix between war-related objects and the construction universe is not arbitrary nor is it meant as a design trend. Our work exposes the stark disparity between global investment in war and destruction, and resources allocated for affordable and social housing to eradicate homelessness. It is meant to reinterpret the objects that define our era, seeking a reconsideration of our global priorities.

Focaccia Prieto is a rather small architecture firm that specializes in domestic architecture. Being located in an ever changing economy we must often adapt to various budgets and conditions that permanently interpeal us about what constitutes a habitat. We are always looking away from the construction industry for new ways to define

We propose a vision where a portion of these vast resources is redirected, a universe in which the military industry is set to a higher purpose - the urgent mission of eradicating homelessness, one of humanity's most pressing challenges.

There are an estimated 100 million homeless people worldwide according to the World Bank. This number is disproportionately concentrated in the world's wealthiest countries, which are also the countries with the highest military budgets.

The world's military spending in 2021 was $2.1 trillion and is rising every year. In contrast, according to a new assessment from researchers at two nonprofits, the total cost to eradicate world homelessness would come out to roughly $8.1 billion annually over the next 12 years. This means that the world could end homelessness for less than 0.04% of what it spends on the military.

There are a number of reasons why homelessness is concentrated in the world's wealthiest countries. One reason is that these countries tend to have high rents and housing costs. Another reason is that these countries have less robust social safety nets, which make it more difficult for people to afford housing.

The disparity between military spending and homelessness is a stark reminder of our world's priorities. We are willing to spend trillions of dollars on weapons of war meant to destroy infrastructure while millions of people go without a place to live. This is a moral injustice that we must address.

We propose a world where a portion of the vast resources currently allocated to the military is redirected to eradicate homelessness. This could be achieved through a variety of mechanisms, such as a global tax on military spending, or a voluntary reallocation of resources by individual countries.

We believe that this vision is achievable and that it would be a major step forward in the fight against homelessness. It would also send a powerful message that we are committed to building a more just and equitable world.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Earth
My Role: writer
Additional Credits: arch. Clara Focaccia, AI artist Maxi Araya