Jas Flowers

Jas Flowers

Providence, RI, US

View Portfolio


I seek to participate in an architectural practice that focuses on human-centric design that highlights the importance of creating spaces that truly enhance the well-being and quality of life for individuals and communities. My focus is on the target demographic and creating spaces that are visually stunning, functional, and unique, but also investigate how to design for a variety of perspectives outside of my own
This work reinforces my desire to fully engage with the built environment by embracing the unexpected and thinking outside of the box. I am inspired to bring a strong vision to my future work and seek to collaborate with like-minded creatives, and design our future spaces with sincerity, ambition, and compassion.



Commodore Builders, Boston, MA, US, Project Engineer II Intern

Jun 2023 - Aug 2023

David Rolston Landscape Architects, Dallas, TX, US, Junior Design Associate

Aug 2015 - Oct 2020

Bermbaum Magadini Architects, Dallas, TX, US, Student Summer Intern

Jun 2013 - Aug 2013


Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Masters, Architecture

Jun 2021 - Jun 2024

Savannah College of Art and Design, Bachelors, Architecture

Sep 2011 - May 2015


Norton E. Salk Scholarship for Design Excellence - AIAri Architecture Forum, Scholarship

"Norton E. Salk, AIA will continue to nurture architecture students through this scholarship fund, designated for the AIA Rhode Island Architectural Forum and to be used to assist students majoring in architecture at accredited Rhode Island schools."


Areas of Specialization 
