JPI architektai

JPI architektai

Kaunas, LT


Sports fitness and leisure complex in Jonava,Lithuania by Lithuanian architects

The Complex of Sports, Wellness and Entertainment is being projected in Jonava, in the picturesque territory, which distinguishes itself for an expressive relief, and which is located between the Varnutė river dam,the Joninės Valley and Žeimių street. The Complex of Sports, Wellness and Entertainment will consist of a universal sports hall, a sport and entertainment centre, a renovated stadium as well as the renovated Joninės Valley.

IDEA OF THE PROJECT. The idea of the projected complex– unrolling path. Buildings of the projected complex in Jonava are located on each side of the pedestrian path. The pedestrian path as if unites buildings and thus forms a solid complex.

UNIVERSAL HALL. A universal hall of 2,000 seats and a VIP lounge is being designed. The hall is suitable for playing basketball, handball as well as volleyball,also for various cultural events. A part of tribunes is collapsible.The dimensions  of the hall field are chosen specifically for the case to allow three basketball training sessions to take place together at one time by telescoping tribunes of the first floor and by dividing the field into three courts across.

STADIUM TRIBUNES. The projected tribunes of the stadium are stationary, all covered, having 2,000 seats, 120 of which  are in the VIP tribune. Another 1,000 seats are planned to be built in the tribunes of light constructions. Offices that are necessary for managing the stadium, are planned under the stationary tribunes. These new tribunes are projected to replace the present wooden ones.

STADIUM. New playgrounds for basketball, field tennis and beach volleyball are established in the renovated territory of the stadium. The stadium itself is renovated, 9 running tracks as well as sectors of track-and-field athletics have been built.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Jonava, LT
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Jauki erdve architects