I finished my studies of Lic in Architecture and Urbanism in the Universidad Latina de
Costa Rica, developing as an graduation project a High Performance Center
For the rural area of our country. Today I used to be part of an electromechanical team
Of the company Tecnoconsult where in the last three years we have made
Important projects.
Im used to work under a lot of pressure to make delevery schedule and also I like to aim for the best, always traying to improved my work and meke better every day.
GA Consultores, San Jose CR, Architect and Maintenance Assistant
Coordinate new projects, and be in charge with the Maintenance of every propierty of the company.
Tecnoconsutl, San Jose, CR, Electromechanical engineer assistant
I used to coordinate project informacionation that we recived form the architects, and I was in charge of coordinate delevery date for the blue prints.