Javier Arbona-Homar

Javier Arbona-Homar

Richmond, CA, US

Photo by Léopold Lambert
Photo by Léopold Lambert
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A Weaponized Urbanity: Morning Drift in Militarized Downtown Oakland, recorded with Demilit (Bryan Finoki, Nick Sowers, and Javier Arbona) in Oakland, on May 2, 2014

This podcast, recorded with the three founders of Demilit (Bryan Finoki, Nick Sowers, and Javier Arbona) is a precedent for Archipelago since it constitutes both a walk to examine the hyper controlled policed space of downtown Oakland and a receptacle for the echoes of Occupy Oakland that comes as interludes to our discussion. We observe objects and spaces that are produced by securitarian logic that often attempt to dissimulate their function by an aesthetic of the ordinary. Starting from Oakland City Hall where Occupy used to have its encampment, we spend the first part of the conversation around the administrative/corporate center of the city before drifting away from it to reach the urban barrier that both the highway and the police headquarters and the jail constitutes in a clear cut of the city. Be sure to listen to Nick’s long recording of Occupy Oakland at the end of the podcast (starts at 1:00:00). — The Funambulist

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Status: Built

Map courtesy of The Funambulist
Map courtesy of The Funambulist