Jan Clarence Concepcion

Jan Clarence Concepcion

Skokie, IL, US


Toronto, ON, CA - Project SHIFT

Graduate School - ULI Hines Student Composition - Mixed Use Development - Urban Design and Development

Project SHIFT

SHIFT will allow more Torontonians to embrace lifestyle changes which drive down costs, are more sustainable, and give them more freedom to pursue their dreams and build human capital. Live, move, relax, shop, make, and work affordably at SHIFT. 

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Toronto, ON, CA
My Role: Architect, Urban Designer, Team Leader
Additional Credits: Jen Claridale Concepcion, Architect and Urban Designer
Ding Yizhen, Landscape Architect
Carol Brobeck, Urban Planner
Brant Faulkner, Financier and Developer