After participating in various projects for six years, I am now seeking opportunities in residential, educational, or cultural projects within a small to medium-sized firm. I possess a unique approach to form and design concepts and am eager to be involved in projects from initiation to completion. I am searching for a dynamic and supportive work environment that encompasses design, management, coordination, and production.
HOK, Washington, DC, US, Senior Design Professional
County Administration Building (office) // SD, DD, BIM
- Worked with landscape and sustainability teams to picture the visioning proposal
- Proposed ambitious massing strategy with concept from the environment texture
- Made five exterior and interior design proposals reflecting the primary concept
- Established SD and DD drawings and made everything in Revit
Orlando Health Lakeland Highland Hospital (healthcare) // CD, BIM
- Reviewed consultant drawings, including MEP, furniture, and medical equipment
- Produced detailed sections and collaborated with structure and fire safety
- Finished 100 % CD drawings with planning/exterior/interior teams
Point Architects, Taipei, Taiwan, Chief Designer + Project Lead
Taiwan Railway Underground Construction - Super Transit Hub
// Government Negotiation, Contract Establishing, Concept Design, SD, DD, BIM
- Led a team of 9 designers and created design standards
- Primarily represented to all the meetings and formulated strategies
- Managed project task schedules across multiple teams and firms
- Integrated design concept with associated urban and landscape firms
- Independently worked on urban research and design concept
- Directly communicated with government, client, and consultants
March Design, Los Altos, CA, US, Designer
Single-Family Housing Projects // Site Inspection, SD, DD, CD
- Created existing building reports after on-site inspection
- Ran building permit and public-work procedures with governmental departments
TAO Architects, Taipei, Taiwan, Architectural Designer
Religious, Education, Mixed-Use, Multi-Family, and Community Planning
// 3D Visualization, Competition, SD, DD, CD
Information Technology // Website, computers and software management
- Independently worked on all the 3D models and renderings
- Worked across multiple project drawing set, building code and sustainability permit
- Communicated directly with clients and managed all meeting notes and operation
Taiwan Tech University, Taipei, Taiwan, BArch, Architecture