This is the entry of competition that held in Horst, Netherlands.
Concept : Novel Coherence
Everyone is born unique, yet some people are more unique than society can accept. we cannot choose to become any of that. But we can choose on how we accept the uniqueness of others.
To be able to give this novel acceptance, we must first understand each other and one of the ways is through interaction. The spirit of understanding has been growing among the people of Horst. That's why Mikado has always been the perfect place for people with intellectual disorder. At Horst they have the chance to live in a common society.
Our design wants to embrace this spirit of people at Horst. Thus through this design, we want people at Horst to be more coherence with the Mikado Patient. To live side by side as one society.
Status: Competition Entry
Location: Horst, NL
My Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Prasetyo Condro Gumilar - Image Impression Artists
Pradana Putra - Presentation Layout