Find a suitable massing for the building that considers the character of the historic surroundings and neighbouring listed building and that accommodates the brief requirements for the headquarter’s facility.
Develop an appropriate facade language that while contemporary in form complements and enhances the existing setting. The character of which should aspire to be respectful of historic tradition while taking pride in design technology, traits shared by both British design tradition and Qatar Airways philosophy.
-To realize the full potential of the site by combining the two buildings into one.
-To create a high quality, bespoke building suitable for an owner occupied headquarter’s which is representative of the values of Qatar Airways.
-To create an internal office space that adheres to the quality requested by the design brief.
-To create a retail frontage along Conduit Street that enhances the streetscape and promotes the Client’s brand and quality.
-To employ a sustainable approach and achieve BREEAM Excellent.
Status: Under Construction
Location: London, GB
My Role: Technical design-stage 4