HAS - Hinterland Architecture Studio

HAS - Hinterland Architecture Studio Diversity Badge

Female owned

Porto, PT

Main access path
Main access path
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Masterplan Salzedas

The proposal was to make a phased plan, where, besides the planning for a main house for the family, it was also kept in mind the intention to develop, in a stretched future, a site for tourism.

This whole program had three main points to answer to:

-HOUSING and CONSTRUCTION, where the main house and the dwellings meant for tourism are included

- NATURE and AGRICULTURE, that shows the will to respect and be atentive to the climate and nature councerns that are currently on the table

- WATER, which is a scarce resource and needs to be responsibly managed.

 In order to answer to these requests, the construction of the housings (both family and touristic) were design and planned to impact as little as possible the landscape of the site.

 At the same time, the reflorestation of the area with local species as well as the creation of a biological pond, gives a response to what was requested.

Not only that, but in all, the solution helps to achive three main councerns raised at the beggining of the process:

- an Injection of Biodiversity

- the Protection, Preservation and Managment of said Biodiversity

- and a Sustainable interaction between humans and biodiversity.

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Status: Built
Location: Tarouca, PT

Bungalows Path
Bungalows Path
Biological Pond
Biological Pond
Observatory Platform - North View
Observatory Platform - North View
Observatory Platform - South View
Observatory Platform - South View
Agricultural area
Agricultural area
Main House
Main House
South view of the terrain
South view of the terrain
South view of the terrain
South view of the terrain
1st Phase Program Diagram
1st Phase Program Diagram
2nd Phase Program Diagram
2nd Phase Program Diagram
Final Phase - Implantation
Final Phase - Implantation