Senat Haliti

Senat Haliti

Philadelphia, PA, US



Senat Haliti has been studying Architecture at Unversity of Prishtina, Kosovo and at the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Liechtenstein. Currently, he works for the Swedish Foundation Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB), Office in Prishtina, Kosovo. He started at CHwB in September 2007 working as assistant on the conservation and restoration program.  Since then, he has been closely involved with the preservation and protection of a number of major public and religious buildings in Kosovo, leading projects such as emergency intervention, Preservation and Protection of Vushtrri Castle and Restoration of Prizrenasja Hydro Power Plant.
Together with his partner Margarita Azizi, they commission architectural projects and actively participate in competitions. The project submitted (EU Pavilion) has been realized as the result of the open competition 'Culture for All', an EU-funded project managed by the European Union Office in Kosovo and implemented by ARS Progetti SPA.
This piece of work has been acknowledged and published nationally and internationally.
Senat's professional interest lie in adaptive reuse of historic sites, temporary structures and low cost constructions.
Since March 2013, Senat is visiting scholar at PennDesign, University of Pennsylvania.


Areas of Specialization