Hardwyn - Door Handles, Floor Springs, Door closers, Glass Fittings

Hardwyn - Door Handles, Floor Springs, Door closers, Glass Fittings

Delhi, IN


Commonwealth Games, 2010 Coverage

Hardwyn had triumphed in its Commonwealth Games, 2010 project against the demanding schedules, challenging technical specifications and the working conditions at the sporting venues. The success of the project has been evaluated in the aspects of scope, time and cost factors. The project mainly aimed at the city of New Delhi to be portrayed as a global destination and India as an economic power. Contributing to the state-of-the-art sporting and city infrastructure, we have added to facelift the city, leaving behind a lasting legacy to the trends of urbanization. For more information please visit

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Status: Built
Location: New Delhi, IN
Firm Role: With our product series, we have helped develop requisite facility at nineteen stadiums and sport complexes, focusing on areas that required special attention. We have facilitated with hardware fittings solutions at the commercial sports facilities as wel