Hanxiong Liu, AIA

Hanxiong Liu, AIA

Los Angeles, CA, US


Hyperloop Hyper-Media Los Angeles Station

Hyperloop, a new type of transportation system, which should act as a media connecting other
transportation systems and activate the opportunities of urban development. In our scheme, Los
Angeles station is an inter-station between Las Vegas and San Diego. The Sprial machine counted the time accuratly and provided non-stop experience to all the passengers.

The design of the Hyperloop station design involves considering the design of the capsule. Step one was choosing how one would enter the capsule. We chose cartridge. Then we engineered a new spiral mechanism that would be able to dispatch capsules and cartridges in and out fluidly. Second, was having modular platforms to provide easy access for dropoff and pickup. Third, we thought of introducing a first class capsules for the business man, or any vip guest. Thus the seating being more private, spacious, comfort, and entertainment.

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Status: School Project
Location: Los Angeles, CA, US
My Role: team leader, 3d modelling, renderer
Additional Credits: Shuyan Zhang
Team member