European Urban Architects, London, GB, Architectural Assistant
_ PRIVATE RESI: Maesllwyni Hen, Wales, UK (Sep-Dec 2010)
Producing further drawings for the contractor such as interior furniture (folding bed and cof of drawers), irrigation layout and research about material to use on site (RIBA stages J-K)
Photograph report: June 2012
_ MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT: Edqware Road, London, UK (Oct2010-Aug 2011)X
Compromisig retail, resi, school, fitness studio and carpark.
Research the bulk of the scheme using sketchup . Developing general interior layouts (comunication between parts) and detailing typical resi layout. Preparing schedulle of accommodation. (RIBA Stages A-B)
_ MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT: Mare street, London, UK (Jan-Jun 2011)
Exploring diferents options to study the feasibility of the scheme, including resi, office and commercial (RIBA stage A) _ PLANNING ASSESSMENT: Hawley Wharf, London, UK (Jul2011-Jun 2012)
Preparing sketchup to explore different options. Workshop with neighbours to see each one point of view in order to enrich the project. (RIBA stage A)
_ PRIVATE VILLA: MQ 27, Oman, Asia (Nov-Dec 2011)
Preparing concept design and client presentation including sketchup and microstation plans (RIBA stage A)
_ PRIVATE VILLA: Ali Alawin, Oman, Asia (Mar 2012)
Preparing concept design and client presentation including sketchup and microstation plans (RIBA stage A)
_ MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT: Al Khuwair, Oman, Asia (Feb-Apr 2012)
Preparing concept design and client presentation including sketchup, microstation plans and rendering views. (RIBA stage A)
_ RESI EXTENSION: Barn Hill, London, UK (May 2010)
Preparing feasibility study including photomontages and sketchup (RIBA stage A)
_ RESI CONVERSION: Vine Hill, London, UK (Jan2010-Present)
Preparing drawings for the pre-application planning. Preparation of Concept Design. Site survey.
Preparing services and structural proposals. Preparing hazard identification / risk assessment to send to CDM consultant.
Preparing complete tender package: GA´s, services and structural plans, construction details, lighting schedule, interior doors design and furniture.
Preparing pack to comply with building regs.
Detailed sketch-up model to explore material and finishes. Interior design of bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchend and living room.
Preparing interior rendering views.
Attending to meeting with consultants and contractor.
(RIBA stage A-J)
Amadora Roca, La Coruña, ES, Project Architect
_HOUSE REFURBISH: Casa en Cuiña-Coruña, Spain
Internal & External Refurbishment
Project Leader with Amadora Roca (RIBA Stages A-K)
Attending to site inspections and meetungs with the contractor
Naiara Montero Architect, La Coruña, ES, SUMMER INTERSHIP
_C OMPETITION: Tabakalera-San Sebastian, Pais Vasco | First Prize
Preparing a dossier to explain the project to the client
Diaz y Diaz Arquitecto, La Coruña, ES, SUMMER INTERSHIP
_PUBLIC BUILDING: Control Building CCS-Ferrol, Spain | Leaf award winner 2011
Preparing tender drawings
_PUBLICATION: Kinder Garden-Coruña, Galicia Spain
University College Dublin (UCD), La Coruña, ES, BArch, Bachelor of Architecture
Second Class Honours