SOJUGMA, Guatemala City, GT, Architect
Manager of all the construction projects, urban planning, construction supervision, interior design, and furniture design.
Forniture design for every client and budget calculation for every design.
CETSA, Guatemala City, GT, DRAFTER
Draw blueprints, urban design, renderizations, and presentations to clients, furniture design, exterior and interior design.
EADIC- Universidad a distancia de Madrid, Murcia, ES, BArch, Master in Bim Management
Study all the areas that you could apply bim technology how to manage a team wile applying bim. Also how to manage the information and the process of using bim in all the life of the building.
Universidad de Extremadura, Mérida, ES, MArch, Master en Investigación en Ingeniería Gráfica y de la Información
Study of the diverse forms of investigation in design an engineering, starting on the representation of the designs, and also includes studies on different areas like material design, design techniques, programming to use math and physic formulas to innovate in shapes and calculation of data for design.
Facultad de Arquitectura Universidad Nacional del Centro de Perú y fondo Verde, Huancayo, PE, Diplomado Especialista en Gestión Ambiental
Diagnosis and perspectives of the environmental global problem in addition urban sustainability, environmental diagnosis, iso 14001, ecologic materials, urban transport problems.
Universidad Rafael Landívar, Guatemala City, GT, Bachelors, Architecture
Basic knowledge of architecture, urban planing, interior design, house design, hospital design and history class, construction supervision.
cum laude, Award
Award obtained in base of my overall score in my Architecture bachelor degree.