G8A Architecture & Urban Planning

G8A Architecture & Urban Planning

Singapore, SG


The Parks

Project: The Parks
Location: Quy Nhon, Vietnam
Program: Hospitality
Year: 2016 - Ongoing 

Like many other seaside towns, Quy Nhon is on the verge of becoming a very exciting tourist destination. Inspired by local design, The Parks tower is contextual and composed of three main ingredients that are distinct and in harmony; densification with nature, local heritage and cohesive community.

Abundance of the nature throughout acts like a spine for the building and brings stability to the structure by three generous parks spread vertically along the levels. The first at the podium, creates a direct link with the city while the other two sky parks are suspended in air, connecting public and private spaces. Following the influence of Champa culture and the Lingam and Yoni concept, the sky parks amalgamate various elements into one to create a truly unique building. .

Although the proposal is read as one iconic tower, it consists of two towers that are clearly identified. The apartments become an entity linked by the first sky park. The two hotels, one lower in direct relation with the podium and one in the highest position, offer great qualities and contribute to the overall harmony of the project. .

Combining existing programs, the scheme successfully introduces a new living environment for an active community, aiming to bring people together and overcoming programmatic differences. Carefully developed views for inhabitants, connection via the sky parks and common lobby, The Parks tower successfully creates one community spirit. .

The proposal offers an exemplary depiction of what the rest of city will have to offer in years to come. The Parks Tower is a compact representation of Quy Nhon with its stunning landscape and sea coast, where new people are welcome and the local population can take pride in the new skyline.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Quy Nhon, VN
Firm Role: Architecture Design