
Multi-Purpose Stadium

The Architect

I'm trying to design it using steel structure. What should I consider to drop down the cost of construction?

18 m wide

30 m lenght

15 m high

This is my first post, so forgive my dropping-in like this, but i'd much appreciate your input..

Feb 8, 10 2:26 am

Hello The Architect, Welcome.

A stadium that is only 30 m x 18 m?

That seems a bit small for a 'multi purpose' stadium, since many stadium oriented activities require 100m or more.

It would be difficult to give you advice on how to make your project cheaper with the information you have provided, perhaps you could tell us more about it.

Feb 8, 10 9:34 am  · 

what's your program?

For what it's worth, here's a de facto multipurpose stadium a la Katrina ;-P

Feb 8, 10 5:49 pm  · 

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