

Houston, TX


Nicklaus Children's Interior + Exterior Wayfinding

The challenge: Design a wayfinding system within a year for a sprawling, and aging, campus that experientially reinforces the organization’s position as an internationally diverse and technologically advanced children’s hospital.

Located in the middle of a densely populated suburban area, the hospital suffered from being land-locked in a time of growth, neighborhood restrictions and a singular ring road around the campus that posed wayfinding issues. Collectively, the campus experience was disjointed and confusing. Frequently, visitors were dropped off or required to park in a location that was far from their final destination.

The outcome: A language neutral visual vocabulary that carefully synthesizes three key attributes the hospital embraces: technology, friendliness, and universality – and a design system that easily moves people across a diverse landscape of interior and exterior space.

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Status: Built
Location: Miami, FL, US
Firm Role: Designer
Additional Credits: Graphtec — Fabrication
Photography — Studio LHOOQ & Kennon Evett