RAW-NYC Architects

RAW-NYC Architects

New York, NY


Your VOTE is Your VOICE...

Aug 20, '19 1:21 AM EST

This is open to all Iraqi people living inside and outside Iraq and to all the people who love and support Iraq...

we made a little video to show how to vote.. If you haven't voted yet, Please vote for one of the three designs for Iraq Pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai. We will have to close the vote soon...

I wanted to say few things about Option one: Al Saliya.... - I am excited to report that Al Saliya design option which is quite ambitious is the lowest in cost. A success story on its own. - It was rated the most favorable in terms of energy efficiency and passive cooling strategies. You could find out more information about this design option on the website in English and Arabic.

Few key points about this design option: - The Iraq Pavilion site at expo 2020 is in the opportunity section. The design is about a fishing net called (Al Saliya) used in Iraq to catch fish symbolizing future opportunities to be captured for the future of Iraq. - It supports social sustainability due to the use of weaved baskets in the shell, these weaved baskets are made by Iraqi men and women. This is to empower local craft techniques of weaving baskets using local natural materials. - The Dijla and Furat walls display in digital form iconic sites of Iraq (The Land between the Two Rivers) on the inside while on the outside, it display iconic projects from North to South of Iraq and from East to West of Iraq highlighting opportunities for investment in the future of Iraq. - A daily program, a ritual of eating Masgouf fish in a communal setting while listening each day to one iconic story on Iraq from Iraq's history to its modern times. These stories are told by Iraqi storytellers

Thank you for your support and for sharing your love for Iraq. Raya Ani with RAW-NYC Architects

#Iraq #IraqPavilion #Expo2020 #Dubai #UAE #design #farication#collaboration #CallforVote #IraqFuture #Iraqis #rayanai #rawnycarchitects#sustainability #AlSaliya #socialsustainability #environmentalSustainability#economicSustainability #IraqiWomen #IraqiMen #Empowerment#localCraft #Parametric #ResponsiveDesign #LandBetweenTworivers#LoveDubai #LoveIraq #passiveCooling