Carrier Johnson + Culture

Carrier Johnson + Culture

San Diego, CA


Jeff Haack Joins Carrier Johnson + Culture as Principal and Managing Director of Strategy and Brand

May 28, '24 4:02 PM EST

San Diego, CA – Carrier Johnson + Culture—a leading architecture, interior design and planning firm—is excited to announce the appointment of Jeff Haack as Principal and Managing Director of Strategy and Brand. In this role, Haack will lead strategic efforts as the firm evolves, placing greater emphasis on the user experience within the built environment. By delving deeper into the unique culture of each project, the firm aims to enhance its reputation as an innovative leader in architecture and design.  

With three decades of experience in design strategy, Haack brings extensive expertise in elevating brands across various industries. He joins Carrier Johnson + Culture after spending the past 12+ years leading creative and marketing teams for consumer brands in the apparel and technology sectors.  

Haack’s move to Carrier Johnson + Culture is a homecoming of sorts. From 2006-2011, he was a Principal at the firm overseeing its Brand Development and Environmental Graphics division. "We are thrilled to welcome Jeff back to the Carrier Johnson + Culture team," says Ray Varela, President of Carrier Johnson + Culture. "His experience and proven track record in brand strategy will be instrumental in driving our firm forward as we continue to expand our services.” 

Haack is a design leader with 30 years of experience servicing a range of brands in agency and in-house roles. His work combines form and function, pushing the boundaries of traditional creative thinking. It emphasizes the importance of integrating technology, sustainability and human-centered design principles to create solutions that solve real-world problems. 

"Architecture is about creating experiences. At the center of it all is the user,” says Haack. “By focusing on people first, our goal is to shape spaces that don’t just satisfy their needs but tell the story of their unique culture. This approach fosters a sense of connection and enhances the overall experience for those who inhabit and interact with these spaces. We call this culture-focused design.” 

Carrier Johnson + Culture is excited to embark on this new chapter with Haack at the helm of their strategic design initiatives creating transformative experiences in the built environment. 


About Carrier Johnson + Culture

Carrier Johnson + Culture is an award-winning Architecture, Interiors, Landscape, and Urban Planning firm based in San Diego, CA. They specialize in workplace, multifamily, mixed-use, affordable housing, public, higher education, hospitality, and commercial projects. Founded in 1977, they offer a unique, holistic design approach to their clients and project users.