Page & Turnbull

Page & Turnbull

San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Jose


Quake-Proof Historic Homes? Public Workshops Promote Seismic Integrity

By KMS109
Aug 2, '22 4:13 PM EST

Whether gingerbread Victorians or mid-century modern boxes, earthquakes present a real challenge and danger to historic homes. A new workshop series from California talks about how to evaluate and strengthen those historic residences against potential earthquake damage. Featuring architects and preservation experts from Page & Turnbull, in collaboration with historic building engineers Structural Focus and Melvyn Green & Associates, the six-part series “Home, Safe Home: Seismic Safety & Rehabilitating Historic Homes,” helps identify historic home styles and their specific structural risks during seismic events. The talks also outline preventative measures to avoid possible risks, according to the California Preservation Foundation, which collaborated on creating the webinars offered by the California Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) through a FEMA grant.

During the sessions the historic preservation expert and architect Ruth Todd, FAIA, principal of Page & Turnbull, along with her colleagues John D. Lesak, AIA, principal, plus cultural resources planners Flora Chou and Hannah Simonson, shed light on case studies and how seismic retrofit projects can remain sensitive to the character of historic buildings. Other sessions discuss funding programs and incentives such as the state’s “Earthquake Brace + Bolt” assistance.

The free, recorded webinar series shows how to incorporate essential seismic retrofits into historic homes for heightened ion against earthquakes while also following important preservation considerations. Todd and her team, for example, point out the difference between a home’s condition and historic integrity, and explain the ideas of character-defining spaces and architectural features. Led by Page & Turnbull, the education sessions include:

·       “What Makes My Home Historic?” A look at the significance and historic integrity of historic homes, the differences between condition and integrity, and character-defining spaces and architectural features (on demand at

·       “Is 'Compatible' 'Matchy-Matchy'?” Guidance on developing seismic retrofit projects sensitive to the character of historic buildings’ character (on demand at

·       “Seismic Retrofit Basics,” Steps to keep your home safe and sound in an earthquake (August 30)

·       “Retrofit Project,” Beneficial strategies for individual projects, such as structural and insulation upgrades, among others, along with incentive programs (October 6)

·       "Keep it Lookin’ Great,” Differences between maintenance, repair, and replacement issues, plus priority and budget aspects (November 8)

·       “The Nuts & Bolts of Retrofits,” How to navigate local permitting processes, and work with qualified architects, engineers, consultants, and contractors (December 15). 

For information and registration please visit,