Angstrom Advanced

Angstrom Advanced

Stoughton, MA


Angstrom Advanced PHE104 Infrared Spectroscopic Ellipsometer

Nov 4, '16 5:53 PM EST

Angstrom Advanced PHE104 infrared spectroscopic ellipsometer is a unique infrared spectroscopic ellipsometer instrument based on monochromator-dispersion. Angstrom Advanced PHE104 infrared spectroscopic ellipsometer features highest accuracy, precision and is more economical compared to FT-IR spectrometer. Infrared ellipsometry is a great new technology that proves invaluable to solid states and chemistry fields. Angstrom Advanced PHE104 infrared spectroscopic ellipsometer can be used on any substrate and offers high sensitivity on thin films down to surface passivation layers. Information on the optical constants,film thickness and chemical structures can be derived from the measurements.