Hoffmann Architects + Engineers

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Hoffmann Architects’ Plan for Coronavirus Preparedness

Alison Hoffmann
Mar 19, '20 2:10 PM EST

To our clients and colleagues,

I wanted to reach out to you to let you know about the actions Hoffmann Architects is taking to protect the health and safety of our staff, colleagues, and clients, while continuing to provide the high level of service that you have come to expect from us. Even as coronavirus has changed the format of our practice, it has not changed our commitment to meeting project milestones and fulfilling your expectations.

In keeping with CDC guidelines, we have transitioned most of our staff to work from home. Our robust IT infrastructure allows us to continue to work on projects remotely, with access to our secure network, project collaboration tools, and design software that enables projects to progress just as they would if we were physically in the office. While in-person contact is, of necessity, limited, we are working collaboratively with clients, contractors, and colleagues to arrange communication via teleconference. Our video conferencing and file sharing software allows virtual meetings from any location, as we recognize that not only our own staff, but also our clients and project team members, may be adapting to remote work situations. We have spent years building IT capabilities that allow us to take the lead in directing projects to successful outcomes, despite these unprecedented challenges.

We recognize, however, that not all aspects of design and construction projects can be handled from home. Where in-person site visits are necessary, we are adhering to CDC social distancing and hygiene recommendations, including avoiding close contact and washing hands thoroughly and frequently. Meeting clients’ needs without compromising the welfare of our staff or that of our clients is our top priority.

To that end, we want to reassure you that we have stepped up sanitation practices in our offices, for those who do need to come in to work. High-contact surfaces are being cleaned several times daily, and we have posted signs continuing to stress the importance of proper hand-washing techniques and use of the provided hand sanitizers. We have instructed employees who exhibit any cold or flu-like symptoms, as well as those who have traveled on a plane or attended a large event, to self-quarantine for 14 days and to seek medical assistance as appropriate.

Should one of our staff be unable to continue work on a project temporarily due to illness or quarantine, our ongoing project collaboration practices enable other technical staff to seamlessly assume responsibilities for the work. Weekly technical staff meetings allow our project managers to discuss ongoing work on a regular basis, so everyone is familiar with current projects and can fluidly adapt to changing staffing conditions without interruption. At all times, communication with our clients and project team members is critical, and we will keep you informed of any developments should the need arise.

Thank you for your understanding as we adapt to this new “normal” to protect not only the health of our coworkers and clients, but also that of the most vulnerable members of our communities. Rest assured that Hoffmann Architects is keeping abreast of the latest recommendations from the CDC and federal, state, and local authorities to protect the health of our staff and those with whom we do business. We appreciate your patience as we all adjust to conditions that change frequently. Our intention is to maintain an exemplary standard of service despite these challenges.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. I wish you and your loved ones continued good health.

Very truly yours,Russell Sanders AIA


Russell M. Sanders, AIA 


Hoffmann Architects, Inc.