

Minneapolis, MN


US Gateway: Empowering a Global Architectural Practice

kyrshanbor hynniewta
Mar 20, '24 12:07 AM EST

Being in the USA has provided me with a unique opportunity to cultivate a global architectural practice, facilitated in part by advancements in technology. Working digitally has enabled me to expand my reach across borders, fostering growth on an international scale. Coming from India, I am able to tap into the extensive network there, not only for sourcing labor but also for contributing to and uplifting the local community.

Initially, my endeavor began as a conventional architectural firm. However, over time, I recognized the importance of maintaining control over quality. This realization led me to integrate certain contractor responsibilities into our operations. Such an approach would be less feasible in the USA due to differing labor and material dynamics.

While I await my green card, my entrepreneurial mindset drives me to explore ventures that align with my aspirations. The stability provided by the dollar has empowered me to take calculated risks and seize opportunities. The projects I undertake exemplify the outcomes of a truly global practice.

One such project is a house situated in one of the world's wettest regions. Drawing inspiration from both mid-century American architecture and traditional Indian design, the house serves as a unique fusion of cultures. This endeavor serves as a litmus test for the Indian market's reception to this blend of influences, resulting in a striking architectural achievement.

The network I've cultivated through this project spans from old high school friends and college classmates to local artisans and influencers. Each collaboration contributes to the growth of my practice.

Our journey was not without challenges, however. Local builders initially struggled to interpret architectural drawings accurately. To ensure the realization of our vision, we assumed the role of contractors and relocated to the construction site. This hands-on approach facilitated direct communication between designers and local tradesmen, resulting in great craftsmanship and a profound exchange of knowledge.

In essence, my experience in the USA has not only broadened my professional horizons but also allowed me to bridge cultural divides through architecture, leaving a lasting impact on both communities and landscapes alike.

Mist House Shillong, India

Mist House Shillong, India