wrkSHäp | kiloWatt

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Black, Female owned

New York, NY


wrkSHäp | kiloWatt, LLC Announces the Inaugural Black in Historic Preservation Fund© !

By kkwhiters
Feb 28, '23 3:08 PM EST

Support a Black student + a Black-led Organization Preserve Black Heritage Sites

New York, February 2, 2023 —  To support Black-led organizations (non-profits or fiscally sponsored) and Black students studying historic preservation and allied fields, I am launching a Black in Historic Preservation Fund. The organization will receive a grant, thus enabling them to leverage receiving a grant for future funding. The organization must commit to hiring a Black student to receive the grant. And, the student can list the grant on their CV/resume as an award for future funding.

To seed this endeavor, I am committing $1,500 from wrkSHäp | kiloWatt, LLC, the home of Black in Historic Preservation. 

“From 2011 - 2020, I lived, worked, and volunteered in Seattle. Some of that volunteering included reviewing grant applications for historic preservation projects,” said k. kennedy Whiters, Owner and Principal Architect of wrkSHäp | kiloWatt, LLC.  “Happy to pay it forward with this Grant Fund.”

The seed money will fund one (1) grant. However, to align with the 2nd Anniversary of Black in Historic Preservation, wrkSHäp | kiloWatt, LLC would like to give two grants in 2023. With support from the community-at-large, this is possible.

With the $1,500 seed money and a total contribution goal of $4,500, I’ve set up this campaign with a total amount of $6,000. The goal is to award grants to two (2) Black-led organizations up to $3,000, each.

With your help, we can reach this goal.

Learn how to apply for the Grant and contribute to the Black in Historic Preservation Grant Fund at


About wrkSHäp | kiloWatt, LLC

Founded by architect and writer k. kennedy Whiters, AIA, wrkSHäp | kiloWatt, LLC is a Black-woman owned and operated boutique architecture firm  in NYC that specializes in historic preservation, owner’s representation/construction management, and racially-equitable communications. In addition to unRedact the Facts, wrkSHäp | kiloWatt, LLC is home to Black in Historic Preservation and Beyond Integrity in (X). 

Twitter: @wrkSHapkiloWatt, @unRedacTheFacts, and @BlackInHistPres

Instagram:  @wrkSHapkiloWatt, @unRedacTheFacts, and @BlackInHistPres

Press Contact:  k. kennedy Whiters, AIA

Email: [email protected] . Website: