Cornell Engineers Australia

Cornell Engineers Australia

Brisbane, AU


Structural Engineering during the Coronavirus

Matthew Cornell
Apr 22, '20 12:32 AM EST

Cornell Engineers is pleased to announce that, as much as possible, it is business as usual during the coronavirus pandemic.

Matt Cornell, director of Cornell Engineers, said, "We have closed our office to visitors to keep our clients and staff safe during this period - but be assured we are working very hard to keep our projects - construction drawings, inspections and damage reports - on track."

"Our team are taking extra precautions and we are offering contact-less meetings and site inspections where feasible."

"We hope everyone is staying safe and keeping well and our thoughts are with those who have been unable to continue working during the pandemic. Our condolences go to those who have lost loved ones during the pandemic."

If you have a project coming up in Queensland that needs our help, the best way to contact us is via our website: