Raleigh, NC
What happens to your roof during a lightning strike
Have you ever wondered what are the chances for your home to be hit by lightning? Well, the answer is yes, your home can get hit by lightning, especially if you live on an every day or a hill. As you already know, lightning always tries to find the shortest way from the cloud to the ground. That shortest way usually ends up on top of the high structures. Direct lightning strike to your roof could start a fire which can severely damage your roofing system. Chances of this happening are not that high, but it is always good to know what to inspect if it ever comes to a lightning strike.
Power Surge
When lightning hits your roof electricity will spread throughout the conductive systems which will then lead electricity down to the ground. On its way to the ground, electricity can damage your electrical wires and even plumbing. Power damage can destroy your expensive electronics, so it is advisable to disconnect and unplug everything if there is a storm brewing outside. And remember, avoid taking bath or shower during the lightning since electricity can end up in your plumbing and find a way to your shower.
The attic and your roofing system are in biggest danger during the lightning strike. Your roofing material and your roofing supports structure could catch fire which could destroy your entire roof and even your home.
Electrician and Fire Department
Call you fire department as soon as your home gets hit by lightning. They will inspect your home, and they will detect if there is anything wrong. Also, contact your electrician to see if there is some damage present concerning your outlets or wiring.
Roof Inspection
Once your roof is inspected by a fire department and an electrician, contact your roofing contractor. Your roofing contractor will make sure that there are no hidden damages present on your roofing system.
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