Amenta Emma Architects

Amenta Emma Architects

Hartford, CT | Boston, MA | New York


Amenta Emma Breaks Ground on CHS Animal Resource Center

By amentaemma
Sep 26, '23 9:52 AM EST

The Animal Resource Center for Connecticut Humane Society (CHS) in Wilton, CT broke ground on September 7. The new 13,971 GSF building will convey the organization’s goals and values, providing a professional and compassionate environment to support the adoption and treatment of animals. In attendance were Amenta Emma design team members, collaborators Animal Arts Design Studio, Viking Construction, CHS team members, and the donors who have helped support this project.

The Connecticut Humane Society (CHS)  is a non-profit organization which operates a number of shelters, adoption sites and both in-house veterinary medical facilities and reduced-fee public veterinary clinics in Connecticut to support the health and well being of companion animals.