
Leicester, GB


Working From Home A "Social Phenomena"

Aug 18, '11 10:55 AM EST

Kieron Long from the London Evening Standard reports an interesting find – how working from home has become a social phenomena.  It reinforces why you should consider investing in an Garden Office.


Working at home is one of the great social phenomena in Britain today. A quarter of us do it, a workforce toiling at dining room tables, in bedrooms and garden sheds up and down the country”

“Architect Dr Frances Holliss at London Metropolitan University hopes to redress this imbalance with the Workhome Project, a useful and fascinating online resource, the results of her research into how people use their homes to work.  Her research suggests that 25 per cent of the working population of the country are home workers, many more than the Government's estimates.

She has an enjoyably broad architectural definition of the "workhome", as she calls it. "My standard definition is anything from the Queen in Buckingham Palace or the Prime Minister in Downing Street to the person making Christmas crackers on their kitchen table…anyone who spends more than eight hours a week working at home."



This research focuses on the future of the workhome, and says that more attention to building appropriate buildings for working and living in will have a positive effect on homeworkers, but also on the city in general. For instance, more people working at home also means less travel and a smaller building stock, both good for sustainability. Holliss's policy recommendations include a simplification of current tax rules that mean many homeworkers pay both council tax and business rates on the same property, and encouraging planning officers to allow people to build dedicated spaces at home for their work.”

For the full article visit here.



With more and more people choosing to work from home, it makes sense to effectively separate your home life from your working life.  This is where come in.  From just £9,995 you can have a fully functional Garden Office at the back of your garden.  The price includes manufacturing, delivery and installation and includes the following specification. 

Here are a few reasons how our garden offices will improve your lifestyle.

• You will no longer have to commute, thus saving time and money. 
• You will arrive at work feeling refreshed and ready to work as opposed to tired from the early start and journey to work.
• You will save money on lunch as you can just pop back into the kitchen to make a cheaper and healthy alternative to the usual take-out / cantine lunches.
• You can choose when to work, maybe fitting family life into your schedule.

To enquire about an Garden Office or any of our other Garden Rooms, contact us today on 0800 011 2373.