Wiel Arets Architects

Wiel Arets Architects

Amsterdam, NL | Maastricht, NL | Zürich, CH | Munich, DE


WAA awarded the 2012 Best Dutch Book Design Award for 'Wiel Arets: Autobiographical References'

By WielAretsArchitects
Feb 27, '13 5:58 PM EST

Wiel Arets: Autobiographical References (Birkhäuser, 2012) explores the topic of 'A Wonderful World'–a theory brought forth by Wiel Arets –stating that the the world will become one metropolis, with individual cities functioning as neighborhoods, each with their own regional identity, and each comparable to stops on a subway map. Designed by Irma Boom and edited by Robert McCarter, the book totals 536 pages and is organized with a colored-coded tab system, ensuring intuitive understanding of its complex compilation and content.