

San Francisco, CA | Omaha



Combining PNEUmatic (air-inflatable) architecture with a noMADic ethos, the PNEUMAD enacts a form of anti-heroic desire to escape permanence, solidity and place-bound dwelling. Recalling the revolutionary-experimental fervor of 1968, but with 21st-century technical sophistication, PNEUMAD is prototype for nomads who want to spread out. The inflatable offers one distinct advantage - it is not limited by the dimensions and volume of the vehicle itself. A very compact trailer can let loose and relax. Complementing the mobile structure, PNEUMAD has no interior plan, no fixed infrastructure - everything moves. MOD’s Soft Stones allow the nomad to resist fixity inside as well as out.

PNEUMAD was designed as part of the Truck-A-Tecture Exhibit at KANEKOwhich runs from June 27 - August 23, 2014.

Truck-A-Tecture examines architecture as redefined by mobility and technical expansion. A mash-up of popular and elite cultures, Truck-A-Tecture will transcend the current definitions of “pre-fab” and “mobile architecture.” Topics of nomadism, transportation, trucking culture, and the nature of “home” are among the topics to be explored in this exhibition. Other issues to be considered in this dialogue are sustainability and technological advances that have led many to a leaner, more efficient lifestyle. The exhibit features work from Min | DayJones Partners ArchitectsMark Mack Architects andOffice of Mobile Design.

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Status: Built
Location: Omaha, NE, US
Firm Role: Architect