UTRO studio

UTRO studio

Moscow, RU


Stereo park landscape

The Stereo park is a cherished landmark for the city's residents situated at the heart of downtown, intersecting key tourist routes near historic attractions. The architects of the project is the UTRO studio. The primary goal of the landscape project was to transform the area from a transit zone into a welcoming place where people would want to linger. 

At the heart of the park stands a monument to the writer Nikolai Ostrovsky. Surrounding it we designed a continuous blooming garden, featuring roses and other plants chosen for their seasonal beauty. Opposite the garden, a square with a water feature and a pergola along its perimeter has been introduced. Beneath the pergola, swings and chairs invite people to relax and communicate with each other. The pergola itself is a reimagined version of the original structure, which had deteriorated over time. We recreated it within the same footprint but made it taller and more symmetrical to align with the new layout, providing more space for visitors to enjoy nature and unwind.

Encircling the park is a ring-shaped path made of flagstone, which serves not only as a walking trail but also as a historical journey. Along the path, visitors can discover plaques with descriptions and historical photographs of nearby landmarks. Some of these plaques have windows through which people can view the surrounding sites and compare them with their historical images. Additionally we captured the park’s iconic plants — rose, wisteria, magnolia and plane tree — by imprinting their forms into the paving at the intersections of the pedestrian paths. These elements infuse the area with meaning, offering visitors a new way to engage with the environment.

A distinctive feature of the park is the plaques engraved with some of Nikolai Ostrovsky's famous quotes, embedded into the paving near the writer's monument on the main square. These brass plates, with their intricate engravings add a unique touch to the environment, encouraging visitors to wander through the flowerbeds in search of all the quotes.

A special focus was placed on creating a barrier-free environment. We removed steps, sharp edges and curbs to ensure that the square is accessible and comfortable for all visitors.

Today Stereo park has become a place where historical heritage and contemporary landscape design seamlessly blend. It’s a space for pause, contemplation and the enjoyment of Sochi's unique natural beauty.

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Status: Built
Location: Sochi, RU
Firm Role: Project architects
Additional Credits: Design team: Alena Zaitseva, Grigoriy Nikiforov, Marina Yarmarkina, Olga Khokhlova
Collaborators: Dina Leonova
Lighting: Sergey Zhigalev
Photographer: Vlad Feoktistov