GLA Design

GLA Design

Hangzhou, CN

cascading R&D office buildings ©YAO Li
cascading R&D office buildings ©YAO Li
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Shanghai Pharma Chiatai Qingchunbao Production and R&D Headquarters

01 Preamble

The Chiatai Qingchunbao Production and R&D Headquarters is located in Deqing Moganshan Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone. The first phase is a built production park, which has been put into operation before 2022. The second phase is a comprehensive park, including two new production workshops for oral liquid and injection and a new headquarter R&D office building.

02 Double "L" planning layout to energize the site

The project site is a four-sided rectangle, the north side for the first phase of the park has been built, and the south side is for the new second phase of the park. In the original planning scheme, due to the division of production and R & D function, A workshop and B workshop and R & D office building are set left and right. It is completely cut off. On the premise of not changing the standard process plane of the workshop, we shift workshop B to form an "L" shaped complex with workshop A, which intensifies the flow of goods and at the same time creates a more abundant land for the new R&D office building, and the two of them become a double "L" shaped semi-circumscribed layout. By adjusting the architectural layout, functional flow and overall landscape re-planning, the design team realizes the harmonious coexistence of various functional zones, transforming the original relatively separated individuals into places, and stimulating the vitality of the site.

03 Exterior corridors as elements of spatial connectivity

We want to stimulate the flow of people in the industrial park in a more proactive manner. The eye-catching exterior corridor serves as an element that not only wraps around the building, but also connects the production workshop and the R&D office building. In the early morning, the workers in the front line production workshop and the researchers in the R&D office building will meet on this corridor to start a new day together; in the evening, they will say goodbye here to share their joys and harvests; the indoor workers will come out of the closed production workshop and take a rest on the roof terrace overlooking the park ...... The accessible connecting corridor serves as a channel for activities and a tool for connecting spaces, and is a container for collision and communication between people.

04 Vertical placement strategy

Considering the shallow surface rock layer of the site, the cost of digging down the basement is high and affects the construction period. The design solves the daily commute of more than 300 cars parking demand all through the bottom of the ground elevated floor; the overhead garage with the gradual convergence of bottom effectively controls three-dimensional parking above the second floor to reduce the number of ramps. The only car ramp is set in the periphery of the building, which is semi-open to allow a more comfortable experience for car travelers.

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Status: Built
Location: Huzhou, CN
Firm Role: design team

aerial view ©YAO Li
aerial view ©YAO Li
continuous architectural interface ©YAO Li
continuous architectural interface ©YAO Li
continuous architectural interface ©YAO Li
continuous architectural interface ©YAO Li
corridors - where the story takes place ©YAO Li
corridors - where the story takes place ©YAO Li
entrance shared by production and R&D ©YAO Li
entrance shared by production and R&D ©YAO Li
entrance to the R&D office building ©YAO Li
entrance to the R&D office building ©YAO Li
façade detail ©YAO Li
façade detail ©YAO Li
façade of R&D office building ©YAO Li
façade of R&D office building ©YAO Li
garage façade in the shadow of the shady trees ©YAO Li
garage façade in the shadow of the shady trees ©YAO Li
main entrance to the drive-through under the mezzanine ©YAO Li
main entrance to the drive-through under the mezzanine ©YAO Li
motorized driveway corners ©YAO Li
motorized driveway corners ©YAO Li
aerial view ©YAO Li
aerial view ©YAO Li
shallow plaza at the entrance ©YAO Li
shallow plaza at the entrance ©YAO Li
space between the production hall and the R&D office building ©YAO Li
space between the production hall and the R&D office building ©YAO Li
step by step with lane slope ©YAO Li
step by step with lane slope ©YAO Li
vibrant orange connecting corridors ©YAO Li
vibrant orange connecting corridors ©YAO Li
1st floor plan ©GLA Design
1st floor plan ©GLA Design
section ©GLA Design
section ©GLA Design
DETAIL-01 ©GLA Design
DETAIL-01 ©GLA Design
Qingchunbao Production and R&D Headquarters ©GLA Design