EMPATE studio

EMPATE studio


CASA 2+1

In a residential complex from the 1950s, located in the urban core of Trieste, we carried out the renovation of a 60 m2 apartment. Its original layout, characterized by rigid compartmentalization and disproportionate spatial metrics, posed a challenge in terms of adaptability to new uses and the demands of contemporary living. However, its strategic location favored natural ventilation and lighting, and it is by exploiting these elements that we aimed to create more open and connected spaces.

One of the objectives of this project was to experiment and reflect on the use and transformation of small-scale residential spaces. For this reason, we aimed to create a flexible and dynamic space capable of responding to the changing needs of users and different uses over time. With the intention of recreating a modern and open social space, we revolutionized the original layout, making only slight changes to the floor plan distribution and leveraging what already existed but was stifled by the old rigid organization.

To articulate the two axes that make up the house (in an L-shape), we started with a kitchen island that, adapting to an existing condominium column, cleverly utilizes its shape to strategically position appliances. The kitchen connects two significant spaces in the new distribution: on one side, the living room; and on the other, a smaller multifunctional room with a fully foldable wall that transforms the space into a study or a small room when closed, or acts as an extension of the social area when open, providing the residence program with considerable flexibility. Through these actions, we explored strategies for a new way of inhabiting a small space with a contemporary perspective.

The choice of materials for the flooring follows a simple approach, identifying and defining zones based on their specific use to facilitate maintenance and daily life. The kitchen was made using almost natural birch plywood panels, highlighting features with visible edges without hiding imperfections. The same criterion was applied for the creation of some carpentry elements, such as folding doors, all exclusively handmade for the residence by artisans with whom we collaborate.

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Status: Built
Location: Trieste, IT
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Davide Maria Palusa Photo's