Workshop for Metropolitan Architecture

Workshop for Metropolitan Architecture

Delhi, IN


Architectural Odyssey: WMA’s Elevation in the Built Environment

The often-muted melody of women architects is gaining resonance, each notes a dedication to perseverance, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to shaping spaces. Over the years, women have sculpted a distinctive niche in the field, enriching it with diverse perspectives. From designing iconic structures to shaping urban landscapes, female architects have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to excellence. In this article, we unveil the journey of Ar. Gagandeep Kapila, Founder and Principal Architect at Workshop for Metropolitan Architecture, a trailblazing architect whose career has been a blend of creativity and resilience, echoing through the corridors of contemporary architecture.

Gagandeep’s path to becoming an architect and entrepreneur has been filled with significant experiences. Earlier, starting her career in New Delhi after graduation proved pivotal. Her approach to design was enhanced by working on a variety of projects and partnerships. It helped her become a better architect and set the foundation for her current success as an entrepreneur. She became engrossed in the intricacies of construction technology, design philosophy, and the link between form and function. Another pivotal occasion was the establishment of the Workshop for Metropolitan Architecture (WMA) in 2012. Her viewpoint on the industry and its landscape was widened by her journey from aspirant architect to business leader.

Gagandeep approaches the creative process with a delicate blend of pragmatism and poetic expression. Her design ethos is characterised by an acute sensitivity to context, an attention to detail, and an unyielding commitment to sustainability. The integration of cutting-edge technology with timeless design principles defines her alchemy, resulting in structures that are both aesthetically pleasing and functionally robust. Reflecting on her approach, Gagandeep articulates, "Architecture is about creating experiences, understanding the pulse of a space and imbuing it with life. The architect's role is that of a storyteller, knitting stories through bricks and mortar."

No architectural journey is solitary, it is often shaped and propelled by mentors and allies. Ar. Bhuvan Kapila, her work/life partner, has been a constant source of inspiration. His unrelenting commitment to cutting-edge construction techniques and excellent design has had genuinely revolutionary effects. A major part is also played by the amazing team at WMA, who give their skills and commitment to the shared goal. In addition to helping her in her career, her family's support has given her the emotional fortitude required to handle the challenges of being an entrepreneur.

The architectural terrain has many challenges and Gangandeep encountered these challenges with grace, changing them into stepping stones. As a first-generation entrepreneur, she had to constantly adjust to new situations and pursue possibilities no matter what. From presenting to the clients to consistently learning new things, every obstacle was an opportunity to improve. Her developed resilience is the most important lesson she learned from these experiences, which offered growth opportunities, both personally and professionally. 

For Gagandeep, "Creativity thrives in constraint", this quote captures the essence of her approach to both architecture and entrepreneurship. She believes that limitations, whether technical or budgetary, can be catalysts for innovation. It is by embracing these constraints and thinking outside the box that she can develop truly groundbreaking solutions. Furthermore, the quote aligns with the challenges she faced as a women entrepreneur. Resource limitations and the need to adapt forced her to be resourceful and creative, ultimately contributing to her growth and success.

Gagandeep’s journey is a story that aims to redefine the landscape with her designs and ethos. As her architectural odyssey continues to unfold, it etches an enduring signature on the profession, inspiring aspiring architects, irrespective of gender, to carve their paths in the world of architecture.

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Status: Built
Location: New Delhi, IN
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Workshop of Metropolitan Architecture