Huatan Landscaping

Huatan Landscaping

Espejo Verde House Huatan Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House
Photo Zaickz Studio
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Casa Espejo Verde

Casa Espejo Verde creates an iconic vertical garden that flows into a turtle pond creating its own microclimate, Huatan landscaping project

Casa Espejo Verde creates an iconic vertical garden that flows into a turtle pond creating its own microclimate, Huatan | Daniel Gómez Bilbao landscaping project

Casa Espejo Verde, Huatan's landscaping project, as an iconic and distinctive element of the project, an imposing vertical garden of succulents (Drosanthemum floribundum, Sedum morganianum, Sempervivum) was designed that flows into a pond with fish and turtles, in which creates a microclimate with its own ecosystem.
This vertical garden connects the exterior with the interior of the house, generating an overwhelming biophilic effect.

The concept starts from conceiving an authentic sensory explosion in the environment of each of its gardens, so that as a whole, they give birth to a range of unmatched experiences.

The terrace was conceived as a place open to the senses. In every corner, you can find great little secrets of exotic plants, with whimsical shapes and unusual textures such as the Mexican Dioscorea, Green Echeverias, Delosperma cooperi and Reina's Navel, which in their composition, originate a great sensory surprise.

The environments were designed so that the very texture of the space, the lines, the pictures and the leaks of the architectural disposition of the house and thus live, and generate a perfect conjunction, in which the plants are used as a means of expression of emotions.

Huatan is a Mexican firm with 16 years of experience in sustainable green space conservation architecture and design technology - landscaping is a multisensory experience that produces an explosion of textures, shapes and colors. When the gardens of Casa Espejo Verde were designed, green experiences were created with Jaboticaba, Ficus pandurata, Arrayan trees; Japanese Hinoki pines; Black Elegant Leaf plants, as well as Dwarf Papyrus.

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Status: Built
Location: Mexico, MX
Firm Role: Architect Landscape
Additional Credits: Photo Zaickz studio

Espejo Verde House Huatan Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House
Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House Huatan Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House
Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House Huatan Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House
Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House Huatan Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House
Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House Huatan Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House
Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House Huatan Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House
Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House Huatan Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House
Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House Huatan Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House
Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House Huatan Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House
Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House Huatan Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House
Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House Huatan Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House
Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House Huatan Photo Zaickz Studio
Espejo Verde House
Photo Zaickz Studio