

Shanghai, CN


The Tetrominoes have Landed in Shanghai

TETROMINOES is bespoke art installation located on Shanghai’s renowned cultural and historic high street, Yuyuan Road. For 10 months, TETROMINOES will play a part in a broader urban revitalization plan to renew the city’s former international concession. 

Playing on the re-popularization of 80s themes and iconic forms in pop culture, TETROMINOES immerses you into a digital world set in reality. TETROMINOES are geometric formations composed of varying arrangements of interconnected squares, these patterns are prevalent in the urban setting and are reinterpreted through the artwork. Blurring the boundaries between the virtual realm and reality, the fluorescent blocks appear to have fallen from the sky, landing on the bustling street-side plaza. TETROMINOES transforms its context into a multi-dimensional stage for creative exploration and interaction.

TETROMINOES is designed by multidisciplinary design studio, Gossamer, and fabricated by Nompoll. Each sculpture is carefully assembled using welded steel rods to form three-dimensional grids and powder-coated with fluorescent Pantones. Each piece weighs between 400 - 750 kilograms and is fastened to the lawn using ground screws.

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Status: Built
Location: Shanghai, CN
Firm Role: Lead Design Consultant
Additional Credits: Project Name: Tetrominoes
Project Location: Intersection of Yuyuan & Anxi Roads, Shanghai, China
Project Size: 494m2
Year: 2019
Client: Art Yuyuan
Project Type: Art & Sculptures / Streetscape / Plazas
Lead Consultant: Gossamer
Collaborators: Nompoll (Fabrication)
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Design Concept
Design Concept