mwworks architecture + design

mwworks architecture + design

Seattle, WA

photo © Andrew Pogue
photo © Andrew Pogue
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From the country road, a gravel drive wanders towards the house past an unassuming new barn.  In the distance, where the slope drops away, only a glimpse of the house can be seen.  The building emulates the form of the landscape with clearings and columns, masses and voids.  Nearing it, the planted roof appears as a continuation of the ground plane.  Towering firs stand as enormous columns at the entry. A bridge extends into the house, spanning an ambiguous area that seems to be both nature and structure.  As the front door opens, so does the view through the house, revealing the nature of the structure as well as the promontory and view toward Case Inlet below. Each room offers its own connection to the landscape, sometimes intimate in scale, sometimes expansive. 

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Status: Built
Location: Longbranch, WA, US
Firm Role: Architecture and Interiors
Additional Credits: Photos: Andrew Pogue

photo © Andrew Pogue
photo © Andrew Pogue
photo © Andrew Pogue
photo © Andrew Pogue
photo © Andrew Pogue
photo © Andrew Pogue
photo © Andrew Pogue
photo © Andrew Pogue
photo © Andrew Pogue
photo © Andrew Pogue
photo © Andrew Pogue
photo © Andrew Pogue