

México Distrito Federal, MX

Project Rotoplas
Project Rotoplas
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Project Rotoplas

Grupo Rotoplas is a Mexican company with 25 years of experience producing water containers and plumbing equipment. Always following their motto: more and better water for the people; this group is the leader in the Mexican market with important international recognition. New corporate offices were necessary for Grupo Rotoplas continuous growth and operational needs.

The biggest challenge in the project was to develop a corporate interior design in which it is possible to feel the movement of water. Using actual fluids was the first approach that the client had in mind, but it was the job of the designers to create the abstraction of this vital element and print it throughout the project.

Transparency and natural light are the 2 main characteristics of the project. Round and dynamic surfaces predominate in the design, filling the space with the brightness of all the different materials applied in white. All these create a very interesting contrast against the dark carpet floors. The general result is a project that flows with movement and luminosity, just as when watching a river.

The corporate offices are divided in two levels connected in the center by a helical stairwell specially design for this project by a well known Mexican sculptor. Standing out and surrounded by 2 bright white surfaces, the centre of services is a different approach to the way this is usually solved in corporate offices in Mexico.

Being Grupo Rotoplas a technologically oriented company, the structure and the apparent slabs make emphasis in the corporate foundation. Users and visitors can appreciate the combination between the exhibited facilities and the plafond modules that are also the frame to see the products in use.

The users were a very important part in this project and in order to fulfill all their expectations, the design team spent 3 working days with them to understand their needs. Thanks to this close approach with its client, in all the levels, all the operational needs were solved until the last detail, allowing this innovative architectural firm to achieve an integral solution.

Project Rotoplas credits

usoarquitectura / Gabriel Salazar y Fernando Castañón
rra/ Roberta Rojas

Víctor Acoltzi
Gerardo Gavito
Ana Mallon

usoarquitectura + DIN

Grupo GA&A

Air conditioning:

Herman Miller

Design and production of the stairwell:
Yvonne Domenge


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Status: Built
Location: Mexico, MX

Project Rotoplas
Project Rotoplas
Project Rotoplas
Project Rotoplas
Project Rotoplas
Project Rotoplas
Project Rotoplas
Project Rotoplas
Project Rotoplas
Project Rotoplas
Project Rotoplas
Project Rotoplas
Project Rotoplas
Project Rotoplas