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LIONarchitecture published in KTISMA Journal

Literally to remove the veil, reveal is the antithesis of ‘building.’ This, we postulate, is the central role of an architect. Removing the stigma of architecture as built, frees the design to also be unbuilt, or for no action to take place at all! LIONarchitecture_KTISMA-spread LIONarchitecture_KTISMA-cover

Literally to remove the veil, reveal is the antithesis of ‘building.’ This, we postulate, is the central role of an architect. Removing the stigma of architecture as built, frees the design to also be unbuilt, or for no action to take place at all!

Literally to remove the veil, reveal is the antithesis of ‘building.’ This, we postulate, is the central role of an architect. Removing the stigma of architecture as built, frees the design to also be unbuilt, or for no action to take place at all!